Available courses

This course will help you use Moodle effectively, with tips and tricks to make your lessons shine!

Both stage lighting and sound design are integral parts of any production and they work together to create a cohesive and immersive experience for the audience. It’s important to understand the basics of stage lighting and sound design to be able to enhance any film or theatre production.

Welcome to Intro To Film Production, I look forward to exploring the basics of Film Production with you!
This class should help to broaden your understanding of the art form and gain skills to become an effective visual storyteller.

Welcome to Film Production 10, I look forward to exploring the basics of Film Production with you!
This class should help to broaden your understanding of the art form and gain skills to become an effective visual storyteller.

Introduction to Computer Sciences and Javascript programming.

Graphic Design 10 is a foundational course that explores the principles, techniques, and tools used in the field of graphic design. This class provides an overview of the creative and technical aspects of graphic design, covering topics such as layout, typography, color theory, and image manipulation. Students will learn how to communicate visually, solve design problems, and create aesthetically pleasing and effective visual content. Through hands-on projects and assignments, students will gain essential design skills and develop a foundational understanding of the role of graphic design in various media, including print, web, and multimedia applications. This course serves as a stepping stone for those interested in pursuing a career in graphic design or simply enhancing their design skills for personal or professional projects.

Graphic Design 10 is a foundational course that explores the principles, techniques, and tools used in the field of graphic design. This class provides an overview of the creative and technical aspects of graphic design, covering topics such as layout, typography, color theory, and image manipulation. Students will learn how to communicate visually, solve design problems, and create aesthetically pleasing and effective visual content. Through hands-on projects and assignments, students will gain essential design skills and develop a foundational understanding of the role of graphic design in various media, including print, web, and multimedia applications. This course serves as a stepping stone for those interested in pursuing a career in graphic design or simply enhancing their design skills for personal or professional projects.

This course introduces students to the art and techniques of video production. Through hands-on projects and theoretical, students will learn the fundamentals of pre-production, production, and post-production processes. They will gain practical skills in camera operation, scriptwriting, storytelling, editing, and audio production. Additionally, students will explore the historical and cultural significance of video as a medium of communication and artistic expression.

Social 20-1 will have students exploring nationalism. This will include the French Revolution, Unification of Italy and Germany, World War 1, and World War 2. 

The English 20-1 course is taught through five units designed to meet the general and specific learning outcomes of Alberta Learning. The focus of the course is to assist students in achieving an appreciation for and understanding of literature and its purpose within society. The study of literature is intended to help students reflect on the significance of cultural values and universal themes that are the fundamental elements of the human condition. By studying the “craft” of text creation, students will develop their creative as well as cognitive/analytical abilities. 

Students will also be given opportunities to read and respond personally, creatively, and critically to various forms of literature – such as personal essays, poetry, short stories, a Shakespearean play and a fictional novel(s). Finally, students will be introduced to and will practice the two written components - personal response and critical/analytical response.